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SKAGEN's New Year's Conference 2017

Watch footage from the speakers, read presentations and relive the atmosphere from the conference.

I'm impressed by the quality of the external speakers and their presentations

New Year's Conference Participant 2016

Kenneth Rogoff

World renowned economist and expert on government debt.

Louis-Vincent Gave

Founder and MD at GaveKal, writer and manages a holding of USD 1.6 billion in Hong Kong.

Eileen Burbidge

Partner at Passion Capital, Chair of TechCity UK and HM Treasury's Special Envoy for FinTech.

Marko Papic

Chief strategist at BCA, specialised in Geopolitical Strategy.
Jane Ambachtsheer

Jane Ambachtsheer

Partner and Chair of Mercer’s Global Responsible Investment Business.

Over the past 10 years, our New Year's Conference speakers have included some of the leading experts in a wide range of areas and topics.

Nobel Prize winners, professors, philosophers and entrepreneurs. These are just some of the leading experts that have participated at our New Year's Conferences.

Watch previous speakers and read their presentations from our New Year's Conference 2016

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